

PyCoder’s Weekly

PyCoder’s Weekly is a free weekly Python newsletter for Python developers by Python developers (Projects, Articles, News, and Jobs).

Real Python

At Real Python you can learn all things Python from the ground up, with weekly free and in-depth tutorials. Everything from the absolute basics of Python, to web development and web scraping, to data visualization, and beyond.

Planeta Python

Este é um compilado de novidades sobre Python vindo de um crescente número de desenvolvedores.


/r/python é a comunidade Python no Reddit, onde usuários contribuem e votam sobre as novidades acerca de Python.

Talk Python Podcast

The #1 Python-focused podcast covering the people and ideas in Python.

Python Bytes Podcast

A short-form Python podcast covering recent developer headlines.

Python Weekly

Python Weekly é um folhetim semanal gratuito e curado mostrando novidades, artigos, novos lançamentos, ofertas de emprego, etc, relacionados a Pythonis.

Python News

Python News é a seção de notócias to site oficial de Python ( Ela brevemenente destaca as novidades da comunidade Python.

Importe Python Weekly

Weekly Python Newsletter containing Python Articles, Projects, Videos, and Tweets delivered in your inbox. Keep Your Python Programming Skills Updated.

Awesome Python Newsletter

A weekly overview of the most popular Python news, articles, and packages.